Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hiking Buddies

"Hiking Buddies" is a special painting that I created recently and is inspired by my adorable grandson Gavin.  He is such an energetic 3 year old who loves adventure.  Brad and I have had the pleasure of taking him on an overnight camping trip to the near by mountains.  When we went on a hike he insisted on caring a walking stick just like Antie Laura.  His mother sent me this picture a few months later when they were camping and he had remembered the fact that he needed a walking stick.  I love the photo and could see in my mind our little doggie Cookie as his hiking companion.  In my painting you can see dad is patiently waiting for his two little hikers to catch up.  When you are an curious rat terrier or a busy 3 year old the world is full of exciting things to look at along the trail.

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