Thursday, July 9, 2015

Don't Mess in my Creative Journal!

How do you stay creative in a world that is spiraling out of control?  How do you stay inspired and positive when negative forces abound and you feel as the world you have known, your way of life, and even your core values are daily assaulted?  Yet you know at the same time that you know have this gift and you feel called to somehow make a difference in the world by creating beauty and hopefully inspiring someone in the process.

I'm sure there are many answers that I can research that will offer suggestions on how to increase your creativity.  I can share with you that  one thing I have done this past month is start a CREATIVE JOURNAL.  I try to carry it with me everywhere I go so that I can jot down ideas or inspirations that I encounter.  Carrying the physical book with me gives me a constant reminder to look for inspiration in my day.  I also carry my Marjolein Bastin 2015 planner.  I love her beautiful work and seeing her artwork on every page helps my focus stay somewhat artistic when I am planning my day.   

I have been trying to keep a sketch journal for the past year but somehow the linear processes unique to my brain can't bring me to combine the two. (Remember I was an accountant for 30 years)  I actually have to stop here and make a confession at this point, but a few days ago I took notes in my creative journal while watching a YouTube video on using Photoshop and didn't like the messy appearance so I erased them and rewrote them in neater handwriting.  I just can't bring myself yet to make lists and notes next to a sketch I did earlier in the day.  How non-creative is that!  Maybe as I progress and let my art take over more and more of those neuron processes I can actually reach a place in my life that I am OKAY with messy creativity!

So let me share what is written on the first page of my journal....(actually to my horror I realized just now that I had penciled in estimated costs of some large projects I want to start around the house on the inside glued page.  There may be no hope for me....I may forever be a numbers person!)


1.  My Words- "that it may give grace to those who hear"   Ephesians 4:29   Do I speak GRACE or GRIEF?

2. "People are Quick to Believe the Bad things they hear about Good people."

3. "What lies behind us and what lies before us is tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

As you can see, my creative thoughts are focused on the fact that I'm trying to emphasis first my words be positive.  I believe that Bible clearly teaches us that our words are powerful and while I don't believe in the ideology of  POSITIVE CONFESSION, I do believe that your words can bring life or death, healing or sickness, grace or grief to someone's life.

My take away today....1.)  Make a Creative Journal for yourself and 2.) Try to keep your words positive even if you feel like screaming and breaking things.  Your art will be better and your blood pressure will be lower.

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